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Match Day 2022
November 14, 2022

Dear Friends,
Match Day is almost upon us. A very busy 2022 is bringing us to that day again, the day on which our donors’ generosity defines what we can offer in the coming year.
Big things happened this year at Pioneer Bluffs. More people visited than ever before and we had more programs than ever before. Music of all kinds filled the air around Matfield Green; people working in their gardens enjoyed concerts without leaving home (although we think it was more fun at PB, sitting in the shade and seeing the orchestra). Our website is chock full of videos of Prairie Talks, vintage film clips of ranch life, a showcase of Kansas ranches, virtual tours of the grounds and trail. Check it out at pioneerbluffs.org.
The Nature Trail is open for exploration during daylight hours and is used almost every day. Plus, we are in the process of building a log cabin which will be our new information center.
All of these things are possible only because of you, our donors, and volunteers. With hours of work generously given, our volunteers multiply the power of your gift by stretching every dollar. Your Match Day gift to Pioneer Bluffs, in any amount small or large, is pooled together and makes the big things happen.
The Emporia Community Foundation provides the pool of matching funds which is shared with selected organizations on Match Day. This year Pioneer Bluffs will be one of 28 that were selected. The more we raise, the greater the match.
Our success is only possible because of your support. All of us at Pioneer Bluffs appreciate your participation in Match Day!
To make a Match Day contribution, choose one of these options:
- Make your check payable to: Emporia Community Foundation and send to Pioneer Bluffs | 695 KS Hwy 177 | Matfield Green, KS 66862. We must receive your gift before November 14.
- Go online any time on Monday, November 14, and make your contribution at emporiamatchday.com/pioneerbluffs.
- Visit Pioneer Bluffs on November 14, tour to see what’s been happening, and bring your check. Executive Director Lynn Smith and volunteers will be there from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on November 14.
- Drive through at the Emporia Community Foundation | 527 Commercial St | Emporia, KS 66801, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. November 14.
Thank you – come see us.
Nancy Mattke, Board President Lynn Smith, Executive Director