Please support Pioneer Bluffs with a donation.
Did you know that more than 90% of our budget depends on individual donors like you? Your tax-deductible donation to Pioneer Bluffs, a 501(c)3 nonprofit, makes it possible to have a place where visitors can step into the past, friends and family can gather to celebrate, and a way of life is honored and advanced. Your gift directly supports this remarkable place which is cherished and enjoyed by so many now, and helps protect it and its stories for the next generation

Donate by card through PayPal:
Or mail a check to:
Pioneer Bluffs
695 Kansas Highway 177
Matfield Green, KS 66862
How would you like your tax-deductible gift to be used?
When you send your check, or as “Special Instructions” with your Paypal donation, you can tell us how you would like your tax-deductible gift to be used:
- Where needed most!
- Ranching exhibits and education
- Youth programs
- Music events
- Prairie Talks
- Property improvements
- Endowment fund
For questions or more information on donating to Pioneer Bluffs, please contact:
Office: (620) 753-3484
A Video “Thank You” Note:
Click the image to play video